Papilloma ointment is a topical medicine that has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Some ointments for benign neoplasms have an unfavorable profile of side effects. The effectiveness of drug therapy depends on the correct choice of drug.

General information about the pathology
Genital papillomas are benign neoplasms caused by viral diseases of various etiologies. Often, genital warts do not hurt. In a third of the victims, they disappear after a few months.
Sometimes small papules can itch, bleed and hurt during intercourse. Victims feel disadvantaged in their sex life. Many also consider their genital warts as an aesthetic problem. They are ashamed and want to get rid of them as soon as possible.
There are many ways to treat skin lesions. Therapy depends on the part of the body where the genital warts are located. Another concern is whether there are other sexually transmitted diseases such as fungal infections, genital herpes, HIV or chlamydia.
In case of enlargement of the vaginal mucosa or opening of the urethra, for example, treatment with trichloroacetic acid can kill the warts. However, in flat warts, the doctor usually resorts to surgical interventions.
No method can guarantee that genital warts (Condylomata acuminata) will disappear forever. Because the immune system does not always completely eliminate the human papillomavirus that causes genital warts, sexually transmitted diseases often return.
A doctor will usually recognize genital warts with the naked eye. He will check the anus and genital area for changes in the skin and can take a tissue sample, which he then examines under a microscope. Genital warts inside the body, such as the rectum, vaginal mucosa or urethra, are more difficult to detect. A special examination is often needed - an examination of the vagina, rectum or urethra.
Once genital warts have been identified, the surgeon can either surgically remove them or freeze them with liquid nitrogen. Sometimes special creams and ointments are used. In rarer cases, when genital warts grow on the tongue or around the eyes, an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist or an ophthalmologist can help.
The main characteristics of preparations for papillomas
Salicylic acid preparations, which due to their keratolytic effect, reduce the mass of warts and sometimes lead to healing with continuous use, are among the most common anti-wart preparations. Salicylic acid destroys the intercellular cohesion of horned cells and thus dissipates hyperkeratosis.
Salicylates can be widely absorbed through the skin and cause intoxication. Therefore, during pregnancy, infants and young children, as well as kidney failure, long-term treatment in large areas should be avoided. In addition, it prevents contact with the eyes and mucous membranes. The drug should not be applied to the genital area and face. Because drugs differ significantly in the concentration of salicylic acid
To stop cell division, cytostatics are used locally in the treatment of warts. By inhibiting the synthesis of DNA and RNA, cytostatics prevent cell proliferation and consequently the spread of the virus.
Immunomodulators have been approved for the treatment of external genital warts and perianal warts in adults.
Tool selection criteria
Benign growths usually return when the immune system manages to kill the viruses on the skin. However, if the warts are on the way, the following treatment options may be considered:
- children;
- cryotherapy;
- surgical ablation.
To protect against human papillomavirus infection, attention should be paid to hygienic measures - disinfection of hands and feet, for example, in swimming pools. Vaccines against papillomavirus types 6, 11, 16 and 18 have been available since 2006. In addition to cervical cancer, papillomaviruses also cause external genital warts and vulvar skin lesions.
To reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer, the Robert Koch Institute's Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends vaccinating girls before their first sexual intercourse (9-14 years) in the 2018 vaccination recommendation. There are alsoscientific evidence that vaccinating puberty boys, who are common carriers of the virus, can help control the spread of cervical cancer.
There are other ointments (for example, oxolinic), the clinical effectiveness of which has not been proven.
Salicylic ointment for papillomas is rarely used at the present time, as it has a considerable number of side effects. There are several local therapies for the treatment of external genital warts (Condylomata acuminata) and their effectiveness is difficult to assess because the success rates of studies on individual procedures vary widely. Not everything can prevent frequent relapses and cause significant local disturbance. There is no standard therapy.
Clinical trials are not available to compare with other treatment options. Due to insufficient documentation, high spontaneous healing and significant side effects, the use of tea extract is not advised.
Antipapilloma drugs with local action
Genital warts are caused by human sexually transmitted papillomaviruses, most often type 6 and 11. On the one hand they can heal spontaneously, on the other hand they aggravate patients and very rarely degenerate into malignant tumors.
It is not recommended to take and apply any tool without consulting a doctor. Which ointment is best and most effective will tell the doctor.
Contraindications and side effects
In rarer cases, it can also lead to skin hypersensitivity reactions. If there is hypersensitivity to methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate or propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, the use of ointments should be completely abandoned. The use of ointments during pregnancy or lactation is strictly prohibited.
Ointments can cause irritation, scratching and irritation of the skin. This side effect is relatively common, but is not a cause for alarm. Ointments are also used in 3-day cycles. After 3 days of use, four days are followed by a break in which the skin regenerates.